
World’s First Chevy SS Sedan With A 10-Speed Swap Makes 1,200WHP

If you are familiar with the name Boost District that chances are good you know who Roshan Poptani is and you’ve seen his 2015 Chevrolet SS sedan. Roshan is the President and owner of Boost District, and he started his business with this car almost a decade ago. If you are not familiar with anything I just mentioned, then prepare to be impressed by a four-door family sedan capable of single-digit quarter mile times while remaining tame enough to haul the family on long road trips. Roshan’s SS has been through several iterations, and the latest is a world’s first. He recently announced via the Boost District YouTube channel that his Chevy SS sedan is the first in the world to receive a 10-speed automatic transmission swap.

10-speed swap

For this swap, Roshan sent the sedan to Powertrain Swap Solutions in Houston, Texas. GM offers two 10-speed automatics, the 10L80 and the 10L90. The 10L90 comes in the ZL1 Camaro, has two additional clutches as compared to the 10L80, and is rated to hold more torque than the 10L80. Considering Roshan’s SS makes over 1,200 wheel-horsepower, the additional torque rating of the 10L90 made it the better candidate to use in this transmission swap. Powertrain Swap Solutions rebuilt the transmission with a Raybestos kit along with a few other goodies to ensure it will hold up to all the power Roshan is going to throw at it.

10-speed swap

We covered this beautiful SS sedan last year here on LSX Magazine. As a quick refresher, the car is powered by a 427 cubic-inch LS engine built by Koza Performance of Elgin, Illionois, using a DART billet crankshaft and Diamond pistons. They topped the LS off with Frankenstein Engine Dynamics M311 Boost Monster cylinder heads and Boost District’s Gen-II 2650 supercharger. Roshan upgraded the fuel system with 1700cc injectors from Injector Dynamics, a DeatschWerks surge tank with two Walbro 525 fuel pumps plus and additional Walbro 450 pump. The combination is controlled by a factory GM E38 ECU tuned by Derek Dunbar of DDTECH Tuning.

As for the 10-speed conversion, it’s a relatively simple procedure with help from Powertrain Swap Solutions. Their swap kit includes a wire harness, an unlocked transmission control module (TCM), and the adapters to make this a plug-and-play installation. According to Roshan, the factory driveshaft is retained as well as the transmission crossmember, factory shifter and shift linkage. Additionally, the speedometer, cruise control, and sport mode features all work the same the same as they did from the factory. The unlocked TCM is a T87 module and as it comes from Powertrain Swap Solutions you can tune with HP Tuners software.

Roshan and his team at Boost District have been on a roll of creating world’s firsts lately, and performing a 10-speed swap on his SS sedan is another first that we are excited to see more of. He hints in the video that there are more upgrades coming in the future for his SS that will make even more power. Until then, enjoy the sounds of horsepower in this video.

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About the author

Jeremy Nichols

Jeremy loves to go fast, whether that's on two wheels, four wheels, or boating. With a willingness to compete at almost anything, Jeremy shoots competition long-range rifles matches and races road bicycles and enjoys building vehicles for people.
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